A great love story - Isaiah 49:5-6

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The great love story does not end with reading the Book of Ruth, on the contrary, it makes us look at Scripture with different eyes, because we want to see how this redemption comes to us. In the remaining readings in this devotional series we will focus on some passages that will help us see how we, in the third millennium, also enjoy this restoration and rescue.
The passage that we will read here, just a few verses from Isaiah, are part of a hymn, a poem that makes us look at the servant of the Lord, who will come to rescue an overwhelmed humanity. For a better understanding of vv. 5-6, it is suggested to read Isaiah 49:1-6. It is a message for everyone, and it is a message that comes to us from eternity.
1. What are we told here about the servant of the Lord?
God's plan has always been to gather his own through his servant. Just like Naomi and Ruth, alone we cannot return to God, we need to be rescued by the 'rescuer'. Here, he is called a servant. This servant comes so that God's people can enjoy a restored relationship with God. He is worthy of honor because God is his strength. As we read this passage, we rejoice because we understand that in Christ God is now our strength.
2. What is the purpose of this servant?
This is when this great love story includes us. In his wonderful plan of love, God will not only restore Israel, but this servant will bring the light of salvation to the ends of the earth. We are also told that we are not the ones who should go to God, he is the one who comes to us. Do we realize that this great love story is now our own story and that we are part of God's loving plan for his creation? We are the people who have been rescued and who now share this rescue with those who have not yet received it. We are part of this great love story!
Think: God's plan for his creation is complete, the Lord's servant will not only rescue Israel, but will also bring hope to all the nations. Do you live in the Light that is Christ? If you already live in the light, what is your task as a member of God's restored people?
Ideas for Prayer: Thank God for his total control. Ask him not only to receive the light, but also to share it with others.
Translated from the Chilean Book of Common Prayer, page 128.
Show us, oh Lord, on this day that we are called to testify about you, how we can effectively present the gospel to those who are outside of your promises; by the Holy Spirit fill us with love towards them and make us understand their needs so that our lives and our deeds commend your name, and they receive your truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray with us today's prayer request:
Archbishop Foley Beach (Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council) is visiting the UK at the end of November. Pray for his preparations and for safe travel. Pray that all the counsel, contacts and conversations would be helpful.
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