Moment: From 4-8 January 2021, the Gafcon Theological Education Network (TEN) ran the first part of an intensive online teacher training course for lecturers from the Centro de Estudios Pastorales...
Moment: In Barishal Diocese, Bangladesh, St John's Church, Maheswarpash, celebrated the second year of their new building and the confirmation of 34 youth.
Moment: The Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) is an Anglican church planting network in England. On Dec 14 they had an online Convocation (a diocese in formation) Assembly in which the AMiE...
Moment: Gafcon is posting daily devotions in December on the theme of Advent, focusing on the daily Bible readings from the Book of Common Prayer. Keith and Kristyn Getty have made available...
Moment: On Nov 28, in Borno State, North East Nigeria, there was a terrible massacre: 110 people who were working in the fields were murdered by Islamists, probably Boko Haram; others are wounded...
Moment: Anglican Missions Africa was launched in 2019 in Kenya in partnership with the Gafcon Global Mission Partnership network. It has a big vision to work with every Bishop in Africa and beyond...
Moment: The Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith teaching and learning resources are going to be published on Monday November 9th. They are intended to inform a process of learning and...
Moment: The Church of Nigeria is one of 11 Gafcon Provinces. The past two weeks have seen serious national unrest and protest, primarily about police brutality but also because of political...
Moment: Rev Joseph Rusangiza is the diocesan co-ordinator for evangelism and education in Goma diocese, DR Congo. In 2019 Joseph asked for prayer for Bibles because many evangelists and pastors...
Moment: In the Diocese of Boga in DR Congo, they have a positive plan for educating and equipping priests for the village churches. With the support of Anglican Aid, lay leaders first have Bible...
Moment: The Anglican Church of Nigeria is one of 11 Gafcon Provinces. In the diocese of Maiduguri in Borno State, the activity of the deadly Islamist terror group, Boko Haram, is everywhere. 34...
Moment: Gafcon Australia is one of 7 Gafcon Branches. The Anglican Church of Australia is strong in many ways but as with other Provinces there is a battle between those who believe that teaching...
Prayer: ‘’ that we may obtain our petitions make us ask those things that will please You, through Jesus Christ our Lord.’’ (Collect for the tenth Sunday after Trinity) May the Prayer Network...
Moment: The Gafcon Prayer Network is one of 9 Networks. It was launched at the Jerusalem Conference in 2018. Its purpose is to gather information from around the Gafcon fellowship and to daily...
Prayer: Nigeria. Canon Hassan John visited Ntiriku village in Kaduna state after an attack by Fulani Islamists...