Gospel Mission

The Lord Jesus commands us to:
‘Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’
Gafcon believes, therefore, that our first priority must be to make disciples. This means the movement is committed to:
1. Evangelism
Gafcon is passionate about bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to areas of the world where it has been obscured or lost, as well as to unreached peoples. We are particularly concerned to bring the gospel to children and young people and to develop leaders for the future. This was a key theme of the third GAFCON conference in 2018: 'Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations." At the fourth Gafcon conference in Dubai, known as G19, the theme was "Serving Christ faithfully in the nations" and the talks were tailored to Christians in 'restricted situations'.
2. Supporting gospel initiatives
In those instances where existing structures constrain gospel proclamation, Gafcon seeks to intervene to provide or to facilitate orthodox oversight. This was perhaps most evident in the pastoral guidance of Gafcon Primates and their provinces in the creation of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) which is now recognised as the orthodox province in the Unites States, Canada and Mexico.
AMiE (the Anglican Mission in England) is a mission society established by Gafcon to multiply and strengthen healthy Anglican churches in England. AMiE provides authentic Anglican oversight for both new church plants outside the Church of England and established fellowships within. Indeed, church planting was another key theme of the 2018 conference and a global Church Planting network was established to coordinate learning and practice throughout the movement.
3. Guarding the Gospel
Gafcon undertakes to expose false gospels that aren’t consistent with apostolic teaching and to proclaim the true gospel throughout the world. To achieve that Gafcon is committed to ensuring church leaders are thoroughly equipped to guard the truth.
In September 2016 GAFCON held its inaugural Bishops Training Institute, a full report can be found here.Since then Gafcon has held four more BTIs, and now the bishops' wives join the training as well. You can read more about the BTI Network here.