Sustainable Development

Network Statement
To establish global partnerships and work with the local Church to bring sustainable transformative development amongst the poor/needy.
Aims of the Network:
1. Promote Biblical Theology – The need for a mindset change.
- Proclaiming and demonstrating the Kingdom of God
- How do we become stewards of our gifts and resources?
- How do we give priority to poor, Luke 4?
- The need to understand and practice biblical generosity
- Discipleship content to promote daily walk and obedience to Christ.
2. Management of Development by building capacity and promoting transparency and accountability in the following community sectors.
- Agriculture,
- Health,
- Environment and care of creation,
- Education,
- Wealth Creation and management
3. Coordinate Relief and Aid in response to natural or man-made crisis.
- Logistical and communication systems and structures for emergency response
- Promote trauma healing and pastoral care
- Facilitate conflict transformation and reconciliation
4. Advocacy – Identify and transform systemic causes of poverty and injustice.
- Prayer for the Nations and communities
- Not just binding up the wounds victims but binding up the robbers

The Rev Dr Dennis Tongoi lives in Nairobi and worked for the Navigators for twenty years before becoming Executive Director of CMS Africa which he has successfully established an international organization working in eight countries over the past ten years. He is the author of ‘Mixing God with Money’ and has lectured extensive on ‘Business as Mission’. He is married to Irene and they have three children.
Contact: [email protected]
Urban Renewal Project:
17th July 2019 Gratitude for support given to the families stricken by Cyclone Idai - click here
25th September 2019 Greta Goes to the UN - click here
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