Bishops Training Institute

Network Statement
During the meeting of Gafcon Primates in Nairobi on 18th April 2016, it was resolved that Gafcon will give a high priority to the training of bishops, especially newly consecrated bishops so that godly bishops are being raised up to enable a reformed and renewed Anglican future with Bible at its heart.
The aim of Gafcon BTI (Bishops Training Institute) is to strengthen biblical faith for episcopal leadership, ministry and mission.
BTI held its first Bishops training conference in Limuru, Kenya in October 2016 with 26 bishops from 5 different countries. Following this highly successful inaugural conference, there have been five more conferences.
The fourth training conference was held 1-10 October 2018 and for the first-time bishops’ wives were included. Since then, the Bishops’ wives have attended the conferences too with a specific programe for them.
The dominant theme of the conferences has been “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)” to underline the fact that bishops learned from one another as well as from a panel of international speakers.
A total of 163 newly consecrated bishops and their wives have attended these six conferences mainly from countries in Africa but also including participants from the USA, Brazil and from South East Asia.
Bishops from around the Communion who have been consecrated in the past five years are welcome to apply.
The BTI network is made up of alumni who keep in contact with each other by social media for prayer and information sharing.

Professor Asaju is Bishop Theological of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and Vice Chancellor of Ajayi Crowther University. Bishop Dapo’s contribution to the Anglican Church and to Academia will build on the legacy of Bishop Samson Mwaluda and we look forward with anticipation to the future growth of BTI.
Contact: [email protected]
October 2018 BTI 4 (Kenya) Report - click here
May 2019 BTI 5 (Kenya) Report - click here
October 2019 BTI 6 (Brazil) Report - click here
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