15th April 2009
Representatives of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) led by Pittsburgh Bishop and Archbishop designate Bob Duncan met Wednesday with the Primates.
All Primates were present.
29th June 2008
GAFCON pilgrims met with the head of the largest Christian church in the Holy Land yesterday Saturday, 28 June 2008.
29th June 2008
Anglican leaders representing a clear majority of the world’s practising Anglicans, joyously affirmed the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) Statement and the Jerusalem Declaration at the e
28th June 2008
28th June 2008
Pilgrims participating in the Global Anglican Future Conference GAFCON traveled to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, on Friday, June 27. Having heard the draft statement from the conference
27th June 2008
The sleeping giant of evangelical Anglicans has been awakened to challenge the revisionists of the United States and the Anglican Communion.
26th June 2008
Archbishop Benjamin Nzimbi, of the Anglican Church of Kenya, spoke to the press on Thursday, June 28 about the progress and content of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) Statement.
26th June 2008
Bishop John Akao of Nigeria spoke to the press at the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) on June 26 on the authority of the Bible for Anglican Christians.
26th June 2008
Noted ecumenical scholar Dr. Lamin Sanneh and local Christian leaders Dr. Salim Y. Muyaner and the Rev.
25th June 2008
Wednesday was a meaningful and memorable day for GAFCON delegates with a visit to the first Anglican church built in the Middle East and a historic pilgrimage to the Ophel Gardens – where Christ wa
25th June 2008
Bishop Wallace Benn says the GAFCON discussions about the future of the Anglican Church will be about biblical principles, not personalities.
25th June 2008
A number of GAFCON pilgrims have been walking the Via Dolorosa this week as they meet in Jerusalem.
25th June 2008
GAFCON pilgrims spent time on Tuesday, June 24, exploring how two Anglican provinces, Uganda and Nigeria, are working to limit new HIV/AIDS infections and care for those affected by the disease.
25th June 2008
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali, of the diocese of Rochester in the United Kingdom, told Global Anglican Future Conference pilgrims Tuesday that “the future of the Anglican Communion is to be found in its
25th June 2008
Bishop Bill Atwood of Kenya emphasised in a press briefing Tuesday that there are many chore issues that have been a point of contention.
24th June 2008
Archbishop Justice Akrofi, primate of the Anglican Church of West Africa, began a series of daily scriptural expositions at the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) on Tuesday, June 24.
23rd June 2008
There is no advance text of a final statement of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON), nor prepared plans for future organization and action.
23rd June 2008
One thousand two hundred Global Anglican Future Conference pilgrims visited the Mount of Olives on Monday, June 23.
23rd June 2008
Dr. Os Guinness, noted lecturer, academic and author of some 25 books, spoke to Global Anglican Future Conference Pilgrims on “The Gospel and Secularism.
23rd June 2008
“The Anglican Communion is in need of healing, and the antidote is Jesus Christ,” Archbishop Henry Orombi told delegates Monday.
22nd June 2008
The Global Anglican Future Conference opened on Sunday with a reflection on the history of the turmoil that has necessitated the meeting, and a call to rescue the church.
22nd June 2008
This is the text of the opening address given by Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria
22nd June 2008
More than 100 leaders of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) joined Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem Suheil Salman Dawani in a prayer service at St. George’s Cathedral on June 22.
22nd June 2008
As pilgrims continue to arrive for the conference, already prayer and praise is at the centre of the schedule.
21st June 2008
Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, Dr Peter Jensen, chairman of the organising committee addresses British press reports that claimed Gafcon leaders were planning ‘schism’.
20th June 2008
More than one thousand Anglicans from 25 nations, including 300 bishops are on their way to Jerusalem to attend the Global Anglican Future Conference. The meeting, which will be held June 22
20th June 2008
Bishop Robert Duncan today released the text of his opening plenary address to the leadership of the Global Anglican Future Conference.
19th June 2008
GAFCON leadership team and key participants in the week long conference are on their way to Jerusalem for the final preparations for the meeting beginning Sunday.
18th June 2008
The Way, the Truth and the Life is the official study document for the GAFCON Jerusalem Pilgrimage.
18th June 2008
The pre-GAFCON preparatory consultation in Jordan wound up early, and the participants moved to Jerusalem on Thursday, 19th June.
14th June 2008
From the Church of UgandaWhat is GAFCON?
12th May 2008
Over 1000 senior leaders from seventeen provinces in the Anglican Communion, representing 35 million church-going Anglicans, have registered for the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Je
13th April 2008
Plans are well in hand for the Global Anglican Future Pilgrimage and Conference at the end of June.