Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world


Mike Ovey asks whether Global Anglicans will choose the Grace of God or the world of the West with its cheap grace.

The Rev Dr Michael Ovey, 

Principal of Oak Hill College, London, England 

Day 2, Oct 22nd GAFCON 2013

Leaders of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) refuted characterizations in the western press of the gathering as a breakaway movement, with recently retired Archbishop Peter Jensen of...

Formed after the ‘Engaging with Islam’ Mini-Conference
At the Gafcon 2013 conference in Nairobi 2013.
With the Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali

Tim Davies speaks about church planting and some of the common difficulties faced in the UK.

Noted ecumenical scholar Dr. Lamin Sanneh and local Christian leaders Dr. Salim Y. Muyaner and the Rev.

GAFCON pilgrims spent time on Tuesday, June 24, exploring how two Anglican provinces, Uganda and Nigeria, are working to limit new HIV/AIDS infections and care for those affected by the disease....


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