Guarding and proclaiming the unchanging truth in a changing world

Human Sexuality

During this Advent Season we shall be preparing for the joyful celebration of the first coming of our Lord Jesus, but let us also rejoice that we have the promise of his second coming in glorious...
Chaka Artwell is a member of the Church of England and works as a journalist, campaigner and DJ. Of Caribbean descent, he has stood as an independent candidate for Oxford East, has organised Oxford...

Resolution i.10 on Human Sexuality of the 1998 Lambeth Conference.

GAFCON is a force for unity.  But is a unity measured by the truth.

Rev. Canon Gavin Ashenden
THOSE WHO DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY…. In Germany in the 1930’s, the seed of fascism was taking root. It grew ferociously fast. Some parts of the Church saw what was coming and stood against it. They...
Michaelangelo Creation of Adam Fingers
What does a life shaped by the expectations of the Bible look like in how we express our sexuality? The Anglican understanding of what the Bible expects of the Christian community can be found here:...
Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali talks with the BBC's The World Tonight on 11th January. He sets out very clearly what the Anglican Communion has already agreed and points out the problem facing the...

Andrea Williams, a member of the Church of England's General Synod and CEO of Christian Concern, a leading Christian campaign group in the UK, has responded to the Archbishop of Canterbury's...

Bishop Stanley Praying
In his lent appeal, Archbishop Stanley Ntagali addresses the Church of Uganda, urging them to join with him in prayer for two particular issues that he has been burdened to pray for...
Bishop Bill Atwood, GAFCON Ambassador and International Bishop for the Anglican Church of North American, writes about the aftermath of the January 2016 Primates Gathering in Canterbury.
Bishop Wallace Benn, a member of the Anglican Mission in England's Panel of Bishops, affirms that true unity is unity in apostolic faith and practice. Attempts to undermine apostolic faith by appeals...
Michaelangelo Creation of Adam Fingers
Is there a biblical argument for a third way between the conservative and liberal approaches to the issue of human sexuality? Martin Davie explores this highly debated issue in context of biblical...

This is the text of the opening address given by Peter Akinola, Archbishop of Nigeria

We note with prayerful concern the revelation that Nicholas Chamberlain, Bishop of Grantham, is in a same sex relationship. Our understanding is that the nature of his relationship conforms to the...
The Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan
The Archbishop of Wales, the Rt Revd Barry Morgan, has recently claimed that 'sex properly belongs' in committed same sex relationships and that the Bible can be interpreted as supporting such...
We acknowledge that God is the Creator of the whole cosmos and of humankind. Male and female, God created them in his own image and likeness to know him, worship him and share in his glory and love.

An open letter co-signed by over 50 evangelical leaders. The letter urges the Church of England to commit to a renewed vision, whereby all hear the good news of the Gospel, all are invited to...

GAFCON UK has recently drawn attention to multiple breaches in the Church of England of the 1998 Lambeth Conference Resolution I.10 which reaffirmed the Bible's teaching on sex and marriage. Here...


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